Protecting Your Business’ Privacy

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by: Saadia M., Director of Enterprise Risk & Chief Information Security Officer
At National Bank Holdings Corporation your business' privacy is always on the forefront of our thoughts. That’s why we take security so seriously. To help you with maintaining your company’s data, we are arming you with quick tips for your business, and in your home. Incorporate these tips into your day-to-day routine and…

A Smart Summer 2018 Reading List

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by: Kitty T., Marketing Coordinator
We thought our clients could use a summer reading list that helps you in not only business and investing, but life in general. While enjoying these books by the pool, on a road trip, or just relaxing at home, you might find yourself changing the ways you think about your…

Marketing Your Business on Social Media

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by: Kitty T., Marketing Coordinator
The world of social media can seem overwhelming, especially for business owners who may be strapped for time or funds. However, social media can be made easy and fun. And it’s worth it. A social media presence expands awareness about your business and helps further relationships with clients. People will…

Steps for Starting a Business – Part 1

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by: Rene T., Business Banking Officer
I’m sure it is true for all of us throughout our life to have been told the importance of reading the directions before putting something together. Whether it was furniture or a midnight holiday construction of Red Flyer Wagon. If you don’t read the directions, there will likely be some…

Steps to Starting a Business – Part 2

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by: Rene T., Business Banking Officer
There are many steps to be ready for your business’ ribbon cutting and becoming your own boss. But getting starting the right direction will be something you will never regret. Let me share with you some more of what I feel are the most important steps in pursuing this adventure.…