We thought our clients could use a summer reading list that helps you in not only business and investing, but life in general. While enjoying these books by the pool, on a road trip, or just relaxing at home, you might find yourself changing the ways you think about your career or managing your money. From inspiring memoirs to clear-cut financial advice, these books can help you out.


How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams
Scott Adams, creator of the comic strip Dilbert, breaks from clichés as he recounts the journey from his corporate career, inventions, investments, and his two restaurants, all of which failed! Learn how Adams attributes his eventual success to his long-term strategy of “invite failure in, embrace it, then pick its pocket.”


The Little Book of Main Street Money: 21 Simple Truths that Help Real People Make Real Money by Jonathan Clements
Perfect for beginners, this little book by finance expert Jonathan Clements makes the world of investing easy to understand and offers advice in bite-size memorable pieces. Clements’ timeless financial advice is insightful, practical, and truly common sense.


The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect by Judea Pearl and Dana Mackenzie
This 2018 best-seller explores general thinking about cause and effect relationships and explains how we can know what caused occurrences both in our daily lives and on a larger scale. These lessons about human thought can be applied to finance, business, and decision-making in everyday life.


Shoe Dog by Phil Knight
The notoriously media-shy creator of Nike, Phil Knight, opens up in this memoir about the extreme setbacks, fierce competition, glorious success, and the invaluable relationships and passion for sports that all led him to create Nike which has become more than a brand, but a culture of its own. 


After diving in to some of the summer’s best reads, we hope that your decisions come a bit easier. And, if you’re ready to talk about your financial future, come on in and talk with one of our knowledgeable bankers today!


The advice and views in these books do not necessarily represent National Bank Holdings Corporation. Any financial advice should be confirmed by your financial advisor.